Clinical Psychiatry News discusses PReDicT study
Posted 1st January 2018

Clinical Psychiatry News discusses PReDicT study

Fol­low­ing the 2017 ECNP Con­gress where Professor Cather­ine Harmer talked about ear­ly changes in emo­tion­al pro­cess­ing pre­dict­ing anti­de­pres­sant response, Clin­i­cal Psy­chi­a­try News dis­cuss­es the PRe­DicT randomised clinical trial and the P1vital® PRe­DicT Test which is being used across 5 Euro­pean coun­tries: France, Ger­many, Spain, The Nether­lands and the UK.

In other news
P1vital gains acceptance of the first PReDicT Study publication!
P1vital gains acceptance of the first PReDicT Study publication!
P1vital gains acceptance of the first PReDicT Study publication!
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